Leeds Caring Hands began in 2016 as a Patient Group project and became a registered charity in August 2019. Reg No:1184833.
The remit of Leeds Caring Hands is to provide a safe and accessible social activity group twice a week. Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 1pm – 3.30pm.
Activities include, table tennis, chair exercises, craft table, board games, pool, IT instruction and jigsaws. We currently have one session a month of art therapy for those who are interested.
Adults of any age are invited to join and refreshments are provided with a voluntary contribution of a £1
This is a very friendly group of volunteers and participants who fellowship one with another. The room is situated on the 1st floor of the Harrogate Road surgery. Please ring Beverley Kite (Chair of Caring Hands) on 07808736339 for more information