Covid-19 Vaccine: Priority Groups

The NHS is currently offering Covid-19 vaccinations to people in the following priority groups:  Cohort 5 – people aged 65-69 […]

Covid-19 Vaccine: Over 70

If you are over 70 and haven’t had your first vaccination yet you can contact the NHS National Booking Service […]

Covid -19 Vaccine: National Booking System

If you have received a letter from the national booking system about a vaccination appointment and have any questions about […]

Covid-19 Vaccinations

We’re currently offering vaccinations to those at greatest risk of Covid-19 first (care home residents and workers, frontline health and […]

Covid-19 Vaccine Update

Now that more doses of Covid-19 vaccines are available, the NHS is able to open more vaccination services, including the first […]

Covid-19 Vaccine: Most at Risk

Covid-19 vaccine The NHS is now offering vaccinations to people who are most at risk from Covid-19. This follows the […]

Temporary Change to Fit Notes

For Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), where employees go off sick on or after 10 December 2021, employers can only ask […]

Telephone Triage Service

To allow the practice to continue to deliver a high standard of patient care, in a safe manner, the practice […]

Coronavirus (Covid-19): What You Need to do

Stay at home Only go outside for food, health reasons or essential work. Stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other […]

We Are Open

Coronavirus has led to a number of changes for our practice but we’re very much open and seeing patients. To […]