We Are Open

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Coronavirus has led to a number of changes for our practice but we’re very much open and seeing patients.

To help keep everyone safe and to minimise the risk of infection, we’re currently doing most consultations by phone or video; however, if we need to see you, then we will ask you to come to the surgery or arrange a home visit.

We’re also carrying out routine and preventative care such as cervical screening tests, children’s immunisations and reviews for people with existing health conditions. If you receive a reminder about any of these, please make an appointment – you’ll be seen in a safe environment.

When you book an appointment, we will ask you a set of questions to make sure you don’t have symptoms associated with coronavirus, including a new continuous cough, loss or change of sense of smell or taste and a high temperature.

If you do have symptoms, you must self-isolate for 10 days, only leaving home to get tested, visit www.nhs.uk/coronavirus or call NHS 119 to book an appointment at your nearest centre.

Anyone living with you will need to stay at home for 14 days. If your symptoms are serious, or get worse, contact NHS 111 and they will advise you what to do.

If you need to order medication, please order it online where possible.

We are dealing with all other requests as fast as we can, but please bear with us if some of these take a little longer than usual.

For the latest Covid-19 advice please visit www.nhs.uk/coronavirus