Are you using the NHS App?

We recommend you log in and check notifications are switched on in the NHS App, which will enable you to use the full functionality.
10 reasons to use the NHS App
- All your NHS messages are in one place, from your GP surgery and Hospital
- Messages are secure and password protected, and not restricted in length unlike text messages
- You can use 2 way messaging to get in contact with North Leeds Medical Practice
- Save the NHS money. NHS App messages are free, unlike text messages which cost £millions per year
- Order your repeat prescriptions and track order progress
- View your acute prescriptions, and use the prescription bar-code to help your Pharmacy dispense quicker
- Book and cancel appointments online, including hospital appointments
- View your medical record including test results and documents
- Log in from your phone, tablet or computer. Did you know you can log in on your PC at
- Access health information and advice
Click to find out more or log in: Online services